IDACO Consulting Limited United Kingdom

IDACO has an extensive, purpose-built network of personal academic / tech transfer contacts at over 250 universities, including more than 50 in the UK, for pharmaceutical and medical device companies to access in their quest for new collaborative/licensing opportunities. This is particularly useful for both non-EU organisations seeking EU collaborative projects, as well as for organisations seeking additional or alternative means of identifying new opportunities. IDACO has also built up strong outsourcing and commercial/pharmaceutical networks, which can be similarly exploited.

Other services offered by IDACO include:
- Due diligence, evaluation and de-risking of R&D.
- Alliance management and project management of academic collaborations.
- Advice and support on out-sourcing strategies - looking for timely and cost-effective solutions.
- Oversight and project management of outsourced CMC and preclinical projects.

Mr Ian Cox